Category: Travel

How Megan Went to Paris with Just Her Carry-on

Bonjour! I’m full of delicious croissants and packing tips on how to travel to Paris with just a carry on. I am a notorious over packer so this was quite the challenge. Mission accomplished! Also sharing a few highlights from the trip. Paris was very hot but she did not disappoint.

Christa’s 5 Star Vacation in Miami

Looking for your next vacation destination? We recently traveled to Miami and Charleston and both hotels are great additions to your travel bucket list! Christa visited the Acqualina Resort in Miami and Megan stayed at the Hotel Bennett in Charleston. Five star accommodations and service!

Megan’s 5 Star Vacation in Charleston

Looking for your next vacation destination? We recently traveled to Miami and Charleston and both hotels are great additions to your travel bucket list! This week Megan is sharing her adventures in Charleston, where she stayed at the Hotel Bennett. Five star accommodations and service! Check it out on the blog.

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